Time blocking for small business owners & freelancers

Addie Johnson
4 min readAug 15, 2020

How to visualize the steps within your workflow to achieve a more productive planning process

How I block my calendar

As a freelancer or small business owner with many moving pieces in running a business — from accounting to client management, to the actual fulfillment jobs — it can be easy to let a hectic week slide by while simultaneously not feeling like you got anything accomplished. Or, you have some other time imbalance that takes up your to-do list and forces you to deprioritize things like family or friend time. For these reasons, it’s essential to visualize the steps within your process individually and holistically through comprehensive (but not too strict) time-block-driven planning practices.

1. Have planning sessions offline.

Whatever time of day you prefer to plan, do it without screens distracting you. Doing so minimizes distractions (aka getting lost in another fascinating but not systematically productive research rabbit hole) and allows you to knock out your day more quickly and efficiently.

2. Write out all aspects of your life that you want to accomplish…



Addie Johnson

writing about the intersection of design, business, and technology // addiejohnson.com